what happened to icarus dbz

what happened to icarus dbz

1 year ago 40

According to the search results, Icarus is a small dragon that appeared in the Garlic Jr. Saga of Dragon Ball Z, where he was portrayed as a hero that saves Gohan and others from Garlics Black Water Mist. After this saga, Icarus makes no more big appearances in the series besides in the best filler episode where Goku takes driving lessons and in a few of the non-canon Dragon Ball films. His current whereabouts and where he could have gone are unknown, but he is mentioned by Goten when he sees a dinosaur that reminds him of Icarus. Some fans speculate that Icarus died peacefully in his sleep at the old age of 3.2 years, a few months after Gohan arrived from Namek. However, this is not confirmed in the series. In any case, Icarus is a filler character and not likely to ever appear in canon content.

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