what happened to kevin hart

what happened to kevin hart

1 year ago 136

In 2019, Kevin Hart was involved in a severe car crash that resulted in "major back injuries" and a broken spine in three different places. The car crash occurred in the hills above Malibu, California, and Hart was a passenger in a vintage muscle car at the time. Following the accident, Hart underwent surgery, during which rods were surgically screwed into his spine to help with stability.

After the car crash, Hart shared an intimate video about his road to recovery, emphasizing the realization that one is not in control, no matter how much they think they are. Some patients with similar spinal injuries may end up in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives, but Harts recovery journey involved him eventually regaining mobility.

In August 2023, Hart found himself in a wheelchair again after injuring his abdomen during a foot race with former NFL player Stevan Ridley. He jokingly attributed the incident to the realities of turning 40, highlighting the challenges that come with age.

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