what happened to laine hardy

what happened to laine hardy

1 year ago 33

According to the search results, Laine Hardy is a former winner of American Idol who was arrested in April 2022 after his ex-girlfriend accused him of planting an audio recording device in her room. He was booked on a count of illegal wiretapping and faced between 2 and 10 years in prison if convicted, according to state law. However, in April 2023, the case against Hardy was resolved pending certain conditions were met. He agreed to a pretrial diversion program through the East Baton Rouge District Attorneys office and will not be formally charged if he abides by the conditions set for him. The pretrial diversion program is designed for anyone accused of a non-violent crime, and it is an alternative program for nonviolent offenders. Therefore, Laine Hardy could clear his arrest record and avoid jail time if he successfully completes the program.

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