what happened to medusa

what happened to medusa

1 year ago 32

Medusa is a figure from Greek mythology, known as one of the three Gorgons, along with her immortal sisters, Stheno and Euryale. According to the most popular version of the myth, Medusa was originally a beautiful young woman with long, flowing hair. She caught the eye of the sea god Poseidon, who raped her in the temple of Athena. In revenge, Athena turned Medusas hair into snakes, and made her face so terrible that anyone who looked at her would turn to stone.

Medusa was eventually killed by the hero Perseus, who was sent on a mission to bring back her head as a gift to a dishonorable king. With the help of the gods Hermes and Athena, Perseus was able to decapitate Medusa. From her neck sprang two sons, Chrysaor and Pegasus.

There are different versions of the Medusa myth, and some scholars argue that the story of Medusa has been distorted over time by the male gaze. However, the most widely known version of the myth portrays Medusa as a monster with hair of snakes, who could turn anyone who looked at her to stone.

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