what happened to rickon stark

what happened to rickon stark

1 year ago 49

Rickon Stark, a character from the "Game of Thrones" series, met his end during the Battle of the Bastards when Ramsay Bolton released him and then shot an arrow through his chest as he was reaching for his brother Jon. This event occurred in the television adaptation of the series. In the books, Rickons story is slightly different, and as of the most recent book, "A Dance with Dragons," it is revealed that most of Westeros believes Rickon is dead, but Lord Wyman Manderly hears from a survivor of the sack of Winterfell that Rickon is allegedly alive and has fled with a woman to the island of Skagos.

In summary, Rickon Stark was killed by Ramsay Bolton during the Battle of the Bastards in the television adaptation of "Game of Thrones," and in the books, his whereabouts are revealed to be on the island of Skagos.

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