what happened to selma blair

what happened to selma blair

1 year ago 35

Selma Blair is an actress who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2018. She had been experiencing symptoms of the autoimmune disease for 40 years before receiving a diagnosis. MS is a central nervous system condition where the nerves become damaged, causing various symptoms. Blair underwent a stem cell transplant in 2019 and has been in remission since 2021. However, she knows that relapses can happen, and shes ready to tackle them head-on if they do. Blair is taking her remission journey one day at a time and says shes doing "really well" these days, but MS still affects her in various ways. She regularly has to normalize her gait while moving, and she only can digest food once shes relaxed, or else shes kind of dry heaving. Blair is an advocate for accessibility and awareness and has recently signed on as QVC’s new brand ambassador for accessibility. She is also working with the company to increase the assortment of accessible and adaptive products that it offers online and on air.

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