what happened to something navy

what happened to something navy

1 year ago 30

According to the search results, Something Navy is a clothing brand that was launched in 2017 through Nordstrom. The brand was created by Arielle Charnas, who is a well-known influencer and fashion blogger. The brand initially had a successful start, with a valuation of $45 million. However, since its launch, sales have slumped and attrition has been steady. The brand has been struggling to survive, with the closure of two of its stores and the halt of production of this years clothing collections. The brands website is currently down, and the official Instagram account has been quiet. The reasons for the brands decline are not entirely clear, but some former employees and associates have alleged that the company had not paid vendors on time and that sales had lagged. Despite the brands struggles, Arielle Charnas remains the face of the company, although she holds a minority stake.

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