what happened to the clones after order 66

what happened to the clones after order 66

1 year ago 90

After Order 66 was executed, the fate of the clones varied. Here are some of the key events and outcomes for the clones:

  • Execution of Order 66: The clones, under the influence of their biochips, turned against the Jedi and helped the newly formed Galactic Empire in hunting them down.

  • Continued service: Some clones remained in the service of the Empire and fought in various conflicts. However, their numbers gradually decreased over time due to retirement, casualties, and the Empires shift towards recruiting non-clone soldiers.

  • Regret and identity crisis: The Bad Batch, a group of defective clones, experienced pangs of regret and struggled with their identity as they witnessed the consequences of Order 66.

  • Transition to stormtroopers: The clones were eventually phased out and replaced by human stormtroopers. This transition was attributed to factors such as the high cost of producing and raising clones, as well as the Empire's desire to have citizens and their families more loyal to the regime.

  • Abandonment and forgotten veterans: Some Clone Wars veterans, including clones, were abandoned in city streets and forgotten by the Empire, with no family to turn to. This left them in a tragic and uncertain situation.

  • Individual paths: After the Clone Wars, some clones went their own ways, either seeking a new purpose or trying to distance themselves from their past as soldiers.

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