what happened to the jedi temple after order 66

what happened to the jedi temple after order 66

1 year ago 39

After the execution of Order 66, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was left for Palpatine to do with as he pleased. The temple was badly damaged and left as a graveyard for the Order and a symbol of Palpatines atrocities. The building became the Imperial Palace, home to the Sith Lord who had destroyed the Jedi. The last Jedi to be seen in the temple was the Chief Liberian of the Jedi Archives, Jocasta Nu, who snuck in to retrieve data on the whereabouts of Force-sensitive children but was eventually captured and cut down by Vader. After Palpatines death, the Imperial Palace remained but was largely uninhabited. It is unclear whether the temple was destroyed after Order 66, but parts of it were burned during the attack by Anakin Skywalker and the clones of the 501st Legion.

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