what happened to will turner in pirates of the caribbean 5

what happened to will turner in pirates of the caribbean 5

1 year ago 33

In Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Will Turners physical appearance had changed drastically from when he was last seen in At Worlds End. His face and clothing were covered in barnacles, and the Flying Dutchman had returned to its cursed appearance. The reason for this transformation is not entirely clear, but it could be that after returning from his first 10-year stint at sea to find a son in Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Will Turner struggled to stay away for another decade. Perhaps he tried Davy Jones bucket of water trick to visit Elizabeth and Henry, which could have caused him to break his curse and become human again, but then he would have to return to the Flying Dutchman and become cursed again. It is also possible that the transformation was simply a plot device to create a more dramatic appearance for the character.

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