what happened with russel brand

what happened with russel brand

1 year ago 39

Russell Brand, the English comedian and actor, has been accused of sexual assault and inappropriate behavior towards women by four women. The allegations include lewd conduct in and around the workplace, propositioning colleagues, and demanding that people find attractive women for him in TV show audiences. The allegations were published and televised following a joint investigation that resulted in a Channel 4 TV documentary and in joint reports in The Times of London and Sunday Times newspapers. Following the allegations, Brands talent agency, Tavistock Wood Management Agency, announced that they dropped Brand as a client, citing an allegation made against him in 2020. The U.K. Metropolitan Police Service received a report of a sexual assault allegedly involving Brand that occurred in 2003 in London on September 18, a day after the allegations were reported on television and in newspapers. Brand has denied the allegations and portrayed them as part of a coordinated mainstream media campaign.

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