what happens at first midwife appointment

what happens at first midwife appointment

1 year ago 36

The first midwife appointment, also known as the booking appointment, should happen before youre 10 weeks pregnant. During this appointment, your midwife will ask you about your medical history, including any prior pregnancies, illnesses, or operations youve had, as well as any current health problems. They will also ask about your physical and mental health, your diet and lifestyle, and any issues or treatment youve had. Your midwife may also ask about the biological fathers medical history to find out whether your baby has a higher chance of having a health condition and to make sure you have the right care during your pregnancy. They may ask about some things that can be difficult to talk about, such as domestic abuse, eating disorders, or mental health problems. At the booking appointment, they may ask about female genital mutilation. It is important to tell your midwife if you have experienced this so that they can give you the right care during your pregnancy. The appointment usually lasts around an hour. During this time, your midwife will also offer you a blood test for sickle cell and thalassaemia (blood disorders that can be passed on to the baby) if they think theres a high chance you might have them. Theyll work out your chance by asking some questions. Your midwife may also give you information about how the baby develops during pregnancy, antenatal care options, and what to expect during your pregnancy.

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