what happens during an abortion

what happens during an abortion

1 year ago 33

Abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. There are two common, very safe methods for terminating a pregnancy: medication abortion, in which you ingest pills, or a procedural abortion, in which a doctor or nurse removes the pregnancy from the uterus. Here is what happens during a procedural abortion:

Before the procedure:

  • Youll go to a health center for counseling, an exam, and the abortion.
  • Youll meet with your nurse, doctor, or health center counselor to talk about your health and the procedure.
  • Youll read and sign forms.
  • Youll get pain medicine to help with cramping.
  • You may be able to get medicine that either makes you relax or puts you to sleep completely.
  • Youll get antibiotics to help prevent infection.

During the procedure:

  • A staff person will be in the procedure room the whole time to support you and help the doctor or nurse during your abortion.
  • The doctor or nurse will examine your uterus, put a speculum in to see into your vagina, and give you a numbing shot in or near your cervix.
  • They will open your cervix a bit if needed and insert a thin tube through your cervix into your uterus.
  • They will use a small, hand-held device that removes pregnancy tissue out of your uterus.
  • They may possibly use a small surgical tool called a curette to remove any tissue that’s left in your uterus, or check to make sure your uterus is totally empty.

After the procedure:

  • Once your abortion is over, you’ll hang out in a recovery area until you feel better and are ready to leave.
  • Youll be monitored to make sure your pain and bleeding are under control.
  • You may be given a little juice or water to drink and a snack to eat.
  • You can start birth control immediately after the aspiration abortion, including having an IUD or implant inserted, and will be protected the next time you have sex.
  • Youll have some stomach cramps (pain) and vaginal bleeding. Bleeding usually lasts a week or two.
  • You can take painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol to help with ...
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