what happens if a torn tendon is not repaired

what happens if a torn tendon is not repaired

1 year ago 37

If a torn tendon is not repaired, it can lead to several complications and long-term effects. The severity of the complications depends on the extent of the injury and the location of the torn tendon. Here are some of the possible consequences of not repairing a torn tendon:

  • Deformity and muscle weakness: A complete tendon tear can cause muscle deformity and weakness in the affected area. This can make it difficult to use the affected extremity, lift, bear weight, or recruit your arm or leg.

  • Chronic pain: A torn tendon can cause chronic pain that does not go away. This can make it difficult to perform daily activities and can also make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Loss of function: A torn tendon can lead to partial or complete loss of function in the involved joint. This can make it difficult to perform daily activities and can also lead to disability.

  • Stiffness: A torn tendon can cause stiffness in the joint, making it difficult to move the affected area.

  • Further damage: Delaying treatment for a torn tendon can increase the likelihood of developing further damage to the affected area. When the tendons and muscles are torn and are not allowed to heal, they tend to fray over time. If this happens, lifting a heavy item may be all it takes to create a total tear.

It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a torn tendon. Treatment for a torn tendon depends on the extent and precise location of the injury. In minor cases where a tendon or muscle is partially torn, your doctor might ask you to wear a special sling for a short period of time to allow the tendon to heal. However, complete tendon tears often require surgery to reattach the tendon and restore function to the area.

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