what happens if my endometrial biopsy is abnormal

what happens if my endometrial biopsy is abnormal

1 year ago 54

If your endometrial biopsy is abnormal, your healthcare provider will review the results with you and determine the next steps. The biopsy results may show cell changes linked to hormone levels, abnormal tissues such as fibroids or polyps, or abnormal cells or cancer. Depending on the results, your healthcare provider may recommend further testing or treatment. For example, if the biopsy indicates the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells, your healthcare provider may recommend a hysterectomy or other surgical procedure to remove the affected tissue. If the biopsy results are inconclusive, your healthcare provider may recommend a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure to remove a larger piece of tissue for examination. It is important to discuss any concerns or questions you have with your healthcare provider and follow their recommended course of action.

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