Cutting a cats whiskers is not recommended by vets and experts. Whiskers are highly specialized and help cats to hunt, communicate, and protect themselves from injury. They are connected to muscular and nervous systems and are extremely sensitive and fine-tuned, sending messages to the brain. Clipping a cats whiskers would be like taking away part of their vision or sense of smell, which would be highly disorienting for them.
If a cats whiskers are clipped, they may become disoriented, distressed, and fearful. They may also lose their spatial awareness, which can cause them to knock into things and become disoriented. Cats with shorter-than-normal whiskers may be more likely to get into accidents.
Cutting a cats whiskers is not painful, but it can decrease their spatial awareness and cause them to become disoriented and frightened. If a cats whiskers are accidentally cut, it wont hurt them, but they may still become disoriented and confused until their whiskers grow back.
In summary, cutting a cats whiskers is not recommended as it can cause disorientation, distress, and fear. Whiskers are highly specialized and help cats to navigate their environment, communicate, and protect themselves from injury.