Drinking isopropyl alcohol is extremely dangerous and can lead to severe health problems, including coma and death. Isopropyl alcohol is toxic to humans and can cause terrible gastric disturbances if ingested. When metabolized, it forms a ketone called acetone, which acts as a central nervous system depressant and can lead to headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and coma if taken in large enough quantities. Acetone is less toxic than acetaldehyde, which is the primary metabolite of ethanol, but it is still harmful to the body. Reports suggest that isopropyl alcohol is far more potent at getting you drunk than ethanol, and even a shot or two can cause severe alcohol poisoning. Drinking isopropyl alcohol can cause severe gastro irritation, vomiting, and stomach cramps. It is important to note that isopropyl alcohol is not the same as ethanol, which is the alcohol found in liquor and is safe for human consumption in moderate doses.