Stopping birth control pills after a week can lead to temporary menstrual cycle irregularities and other hormone-related symptoms. Here are some of the potential side effects of stopping birth control pills:
Pregnancy: Once you stop taking the pill, the hormones will be out of your body in a matter of days, and youre no longer protected from pregnancy.
Menstrual cycle changes: Birth control pills override the natural menstrual cycle, and coming off these pills may lead to temporary menstrual cycle irregularities and other hormone-related symptoms. Symptoms can occur in the weeks after coming off the pill when the bodys natural hormones kick back in. These symptoms tend to be temporary and may include menstruating earlier or later in the cycle than usual, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as acne, sensitive breasts, or food cravings, headaches, mood changes, depression, or anxiety.
Weight changes: Weight gain is not a consistent side effect of the pill, and being on the pill usually doesnt cause more than a pound of weight a year. However, some women may retain more fluid and water weight, and if youve gained weight while on the pill and havent lost it, you may lose it after stopping the pill.
Acne: Some women may experience acne after stopping the pill, as the hormones in the pill can help regulate acne.
Changes in sex drive: A small number of women find that the pill drives their libidos down, especially if they take very low-dose pills. A few women may find themselves in the mood more often after they stop their hormonal birth control.
Its important to talk to your doctor before you stop taking any type of birth control. You can get advice, learn about possible side effects, understand how quickly you might be able to get pregnant, and your options if you dont want to conceive.