what happens if you swallow gasoline

what happens if you swallow gasoline

1 year ago 39

Swallowing gasoline can be harmful to the body, and the severity of the symptoms depends on the amount swallowed. Here are some things that can happen if you swallow gasoline:

  • Mild symptoms: If you swallow a small amount of gasoline, you may experience symptoms such as vomiting, heartburn, drowsiness, vertigo, slurred speech, facial flushing, and staggering.

  • Severe symptoms: If you swallow a large amount of gasoline, you may experience symptoms such as weakness, blurry vision, confusion, convulsions, loss of consciousness, lung and internal organ hemorrhaging, and heart failure.

  • Lung damage: If gasoline in your stomach travels to your lungs while you are vomiting, it can cause lung damage.

  • Aspiration pneumonia: Gasoline can block oxygen from being absorbed into the small blood vessels that carry it from the lungs to every other body organ. This can cause pneumonia, which can be life-threatening.

If you or someone you know has swallowed gasoline, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Here are some dos and donts:

  • Do call Poison Control or emergency services right away.

  • Do stay with the victim and help them remain calm.

  • Do rinse the victims mouth out with water and give them a glass of water or milk to drink slowly.

  • Dont induce vomiting, as this can cause gasoline to enter the lungs.

  • Dont siphon gasoline with your mouth, as this can cause poisoning.

In summary, swallowing gasoline can be harmful to the body, and the severity of the symptoms depends on the amount swallowed. If you or someone you know has swallowed gasoline, seek medical attention immediately and follow the dos and donts listed above.

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