Using expired makeup can be harmful to your skin and overall health. Here are some of the risks associated with using expired makeup:
Irritation and breakouts: Expired makeup can cause skin irritation, redness, and breakouts. This is because the ingredients in the makeup can break down over time and become less effective or even harmful.
Bacterial growth: Once preservatives in makeup start to break down, the risk of bacterial growth increases drastically. This can lead to serious skin issues such as infections, rashes, and clogged pores.
Mold growth: Moisture can build up inside makeup containers over time, leading to mold growth. This can trigger breakouts or other irritations.
Change in color and consistency: Over time, makeup can dry out, change in consistency, color, or smell, and components of the makeup can separate.
Its important to be mindful of how long your makeup has been in storage so you can avoid these potential health hazards. If you notice any odd smells, changes in color or consistency, or if the makeup has been open for a long time, its best to throw it out. Additionally, its important to wash your hands before applying makeup and use clean applicators and makeup brushes to avoid grime, germs, and bacteria buildup.