When you transfer a balance to a new credit card, the old cards balance will read as $0 unless you have pending purchases or are unable to transfer the entire balance. The old card is not automatically closed, and you are not required to cancel it either. If you were able to transfer the entire balance from an old card, youll have the option to close that account. However, canceling the old card doesnt happen automatically, and it could have negative repercussions on your credit. Depending on the new cards credit limit, you may not be able to transfer the entire balance. In that case, the old card will have a remaining balance you must continue to pay off. After the balance transfer is complete, and assuming you were able to pay off the entire balance on the old card, youll need to decide what to do with it. If you decide to keep the card open, consider putting a small recurring payment on the account, such as a membership or streaming service, to keep it active. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- The old cards balance will read as $0 unless you have pending purchases or are unable to transfer the entire balance.
- The old card is not automatically closed, and you are not required to cancel it either.
- Canceling the old card could have negative repercussions on your credit.
- Depending on the new cards credit limit, you may not be able to transfer the entire balance. In that case, the old card will have a remaining balance you must continue to pay off.
- If you decide to keep the old card open, consider putting a small recurring payment on the account to keep it active.