what happens when someone dies in pitru paksha

what happens when someone dies in pitru paksha

1 year ago 32

Pitru Paksha is a Hindu festival that is observed annually for sixteen days, during which people remember and honor their deceased ancestors. According to Hindu beliefs, the souls of three generations of deceased ancestors reside in an intermediary realm known as Pitrilok. During the period of Pitru Paksha, these souls are granted temporary freedom by the god of death, Yamaraj or Yama, allowing them to visit their living relatives and accept offerings of gifts, food, and water.

There is no clear answer to what happens when someone dies during Pitru Paksha. However, it is believed that during this period, the deceased souls visit their families to accept gifts, food, and water. It is also a time when auspicious rituals such as Shradh, Pind Daan, and Tarpan are conducted to honor and provide for the deceased.

During Pitru Paksha, it is customary to perform Shraddha, a death rite, by the eldest son of the deceased person. Crows are believed to be the representatives of Yamaraj or the souls of the deceased family members, and hence, Pind Daan comprising of rice and sesame seeds is offered to the crows. People also feed the poor and the needy during this time, and animals are also fed.

In conclusion, Pitr...

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