Black people have invented many everyday things that we use today. Here are some examples of inventions by black inventors:
- Mailbox: Phillip Downing invented the modern mailbox in 1891.
- Traffic light: Garrett Morgan invented the three-light traffic light in 1922.
- Automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes invented the automatic gear shift in 1932.
- Clothes dryer: George T. Sampson invented the clothes dryer in 1892.
- Potato chips: George Crum invented potato chips in 1853.
- Home security system: Mary Van Brittan Brown invented an early version of the home security system in 1966.
- Super Soaker: Lonnie Johnson, an aerospace engineer for NASA, invented the popular childrens toy in 1982.
- Folding cabinet bed: Sarah Goode became the first Black woman to receive a US patent for her invention of the folding cabinet bed in 1885.
- Peanut butter: Although George Washington Carver is often associated with peanut butter, he did not actually invent it. However, he did devise more than 300 different uses for peanuts, including dye, soap, coffee, and ink.
- Carbon filament for light bulbs: Lewis Latimer invented the carbon filament for light bulbs in 1881.
Its important to note that many black inventors faced significant obstacles in getting their inventions recognized and funded. For example, enslaved black people could not obtain patents for their inventions, and even after slavery was abolished, black inventors often faced discrimination and lack of access to funding and resources.