what helps with congestion in nose

what helps with congestion in nose

1 year ago 37

There are several ways to help with congestion in the nose, including:

  • Nasal irrigation: Rinsing the inside of your nose with a nasal irrigation kit or neti pot can soften, loosen, and wash out mucus, providing instant relief.

  • Steam: Inhaling steam from a hot shower or a bowl of boiling water can help thin mucus and drain it from your nose.

  • Saline spray: Using a nasal saline spray can increase the moisture in your nostrils and keep your nasal passages from drying out.

  • Humidifier: Running a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer in your home or office can soothe irritated nasal tissues, lessen sinus inflammation, and thin mucus, making it easier to drain.

  • Hydration: Drinking lots of water and clear fluids can help thin mucus and ease congestion.

  • Medications: Over-the-counter medications such as decongestants, antihistamines, and pain relievers can help relieve nasal congestion and sinus pressure.

Its important to note that if youve been congested for more than two weeks, you should call your doctor.

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