Earaches are a common complaint, especially in children, and can be caused by a variety of factors such as ear infections, changes in air pressure, foreign objects in the ear, injury to the ear or eardrum, and a build-up of ear wax. Here are some remedies that may help relieve ear pain:
Over-the-counter pain relievers: Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can often relieve the pain of an earache.
Warm or cool compress: Soak a washcloth in either warm or cool water, wring it out, and then put it over the ear thats bothering you. Try both temperatures to see if one helps you more than the other.
Heating pad: Lay your painful ear on a warm, not hot, heating pad.
Ear drops: Over-the-counter ear drops with pain relievers may help, but you shouldnt use these drops if your eardrum has a tear or hole, so check with your doctor first.
Sleep in an upright position: Sleeping in an upright position is often advised to help reduce the build-up of pressure in the ear.
Chew gum: If an earache occurs during or after plane travel or moving to higher elevations, chewing gum may help "pop" the ears and reduce pressure.
Distraction: Distracting yourself or your child with a favorite movie, coloring book, or bubble bath with lots of toys can help take your mind off the pain.
Its important to note that if your earache is caused by a more serious problem, such as a ruptured eardrum or a foreign object in the ear, you should seek medical attention.