Period pains can be uncomfortable and painful, but there are several ways to alleviate them. Here are some tips that can help:
Apply heat: Soaking in a hot bath or using a heating pad, hot water bottle, or heat patch on your lower abdomen can ease menstrual cramps.
Take over-the-counter pain relievers: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) can help control the pain of cramps. Start taking the pain reliever at the beginning of your period, or as soon as you feel symptoms, and continue taking the medicine as directed for two to three days, or until your symptoms are gone.
Exercise: Physical activity, including sex, helps ease menstrual cramps for some women. Reducing stress can also help you find relief from period cramps. Yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, and counseling are some ways to reduce stress.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Anti-inflammatory foods can help promote blood flow and relax your uterus. Try eating berries, tomatoes, pineapples, and spices like turmeric, ginger, or garlic. Certain types of herbal tea have anti-inflammatory properties and antispasmodic compounds that can reduce the muscle spasms in the uterus that cause cramping. Drinking chamomile, fennel, or ginger tea is an easy, natural way to relieve menstrual cramps.
Get your vitamins and minerals: Vitamin D can help your body absorb calcium and reduce inflammation. Other supplements, including omega-3, vitamin E, and magnesium, can help reduce inflammation and might even make your periods less painful. Eating a healthy diet that is high in minimally processed foods, fiber, and plants can also help alleviate menstrual pain.
Massage therapy: One study found that massage therapy significantly reduced menstrual pain in women with endometriosis. Massages may reduce uterine spasms by relaxing the uterus. In order to manage period cramps most effectively, massage therapy should focus on the abdominal area. But a full body massage that reduces your overall stress may also help to relieve menstrual cramps.
Birth control: Birth control can stop period pain if cramps are caused by a hormone imbalance. Balancing your levels of estrogen and progesterone helps thin the uterine lining so it sheds more easily. Hormonal birth control also regulates menstrual cycles, which can help reduce the severity of cramps.
Its important to note that if youre experiencing serious pain during your period, its best to talk with your doctor. They can help with other ways to manage the pain, or they may want to check to see if theres something more serious going on...