what highways are closed near me

what highways are closed near me

1 year ago 33

To find out which highways are closed near you, you can check the LA County Public Works Road Closures website. This website shows roads in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County only. As of September 30, 2023, there are 28 road closures, 2 planned road closures, and 3 road closures affecting disaster routes. The website provides information on the location, status, reason, begin date, and estimated end date of each closure. You can also check the LocalConditions.com website for live interactive maps that show traffic flow, delays, accidents, traffic jams, construction, and closures in Los Angeles, CA. Additionally, you can check the Division of Traffic Operations - Road Information - California Highway Information website or the CalTrans Road Conditions website for current highway conditions. If you are in San Bernardino County, you can check the Public Works Road Closures website for current road closures.

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