There are many houseplants that are safe for cats. Here are some of the most popular ones:
African Violet: This is a popular flowering plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It blooms in low light and thrives in moderate temperatures and average humidity.
Spider Plant: This is an easy-to-care-for plant that grows rapidly, looks nice, and is completely safe for cats.
Boston Fern: This beautiful fern is safe for cats and dogs and requires food only every two months.
Calathea Orbifolia: This is a non-toxic plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It has eye-catching leaves and elegant coloration.
Ponytail Palm: This is a safe plant for cats and dogs that requires low maintenance.
Prayer Plant: This plant has eye-catching leaves and is safe for cats and dogs. It requires a bit more care than a spider plant and does best in a warm, humid environment with access to indirect sunlight.
Herbs: Many herbs are safe for cats, including basil, sage, cilantro, mint, rosemary, and thyme. These can be grown on a kitchen windowsill and used for cooking.
Air Plant: This is a non-toxic plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It requires minimal care and can be grown without soil.
Money Tree: This is a hard-to-kill plant that is safe for cats and dogs.
Polka Dot Plant: This plant is safe for cats and dogs in small amounts and non-fatal in large ones.
Stromanthe Triostar: This is a non-toxic plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It has beautiful foliage and thrives in low to medium light.
Mistletoe Cactus: This is a non-toxic plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It requires minimal care and can be grown without soil.
Chinese Money Plant: This is a non-toxic plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It has round leaves and is easy to care for.
Wheatgrass: This is a safe plant for cats and dogs that can be grown indoors. It is also edible and can be used as a treat for your pets.
Cast Iron Plant: This is a non-toxic plant that is safe for cats and dogs. It is a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate low light and low humidity.
Its important to note that while these plants are safe for cats, its still a good idea to keep them out of reach to prevent your pets from accidentally ingesting them. If youre unsure about a specific plant, you can check the ASPCAs website for a list of...