what if i miss jury duty

what if i miss jury duty

1 year ago 45

If you miss jury duty, you will generally be contacted by the court and asked to appear before a judge to explain your absence. You will likely be assigned a new date for jury service. There are fines for missing jury duty, and if you dont resolve the issue with the court quickly, you may be issued a criminal complaint or a warrant for your arrest. The consequences of missing jury duty can vary depending on the type of court and the state you live in. Each court will have different guidelines, and the specific penalties depend on the court and state.

If you fail to show good cause for noncompliance with a jury duty summons, you may be subject to a fine of up to $1000, imprisonment for up to three days, or community service.

Its important to note that the consequences of missing jury duty can include fines, imprisonment, community service, or being held in contempt of court, which can result in legal consequences such as fines and jail time.

If you miss jury duty, its best to contact the court and explain your situation. The jury commissioner can help you reschedule your jury service to a later date if needed.

In summary, missing jury duty can have serious consequences, including fines, imprisonment, community service, or being held in contempt of court. Its important to address the situation promptly and communicate with the court to resolve any issues related to missing jury duty.

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