what if pcv in blood is low

what if pcv in blood is low

1 year ago 35

PCV or Packed Cell Volume is a blood test that measures the percentage of red blood cells (RBC) in your blood. A lower number of PCV means that the red blood cell count is less, which can be due to many reasons such as blood loss, cell destruction, and less bone marrow production. A decreased PCV indicates anemia or hemodilution. Abnormally low PCV levels than the normal range may indicate anemia or dehydration. If your PCV levels are low, you should include iron-rich or high nutrient foods in your diet.

Low PCV implies that the patient has a low number of red blood cells and is suffering from anemia. Several factors that contribute to the low PCV reading include iron or vitamin (B12 or folate) deficiency, mineral deficiency, and blood loss. A PCV level of 15% indicates low red blood cell count or anemia.

If you have a low PCV, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor may need further tests to determine the underlying cause of the low PCV and recommend appropriate treatment.

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