what if you love too much

what if you love too much

10 months ago 32

Loving someone is a beautiful thing, but loving too much can be dangerous and harmful to oneself and the relationship. When someone loves too much, they may dismantle their own boundaries, stop taking care of themselves, and do everything for their partner just to make them happy, which can lead to a loss of self-worth and a risk to the relationship. Loving too much can make a partner complacent and take the other person for granted, leading to a lack of effort in making the relationship work. It can also result in an unhealthy dependency, where one person gives all the control to their partner, leaving them paralyzed if the relationship ends in the future. When someone loves too much, they may lose track of reality and have no time to spare, leading to discontent with themselves and their partner. Signs that someone may love too much include giving more love than they are getting back, loving until it hurts, and losing oneself in the relationship. It is important to respect each others boundaries and avoid emotional manipulation, jealousy, and a lack of reciprocity in the relationship.

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