To determine your income percentile in the United States, you can use one of the income percentile calculators available online. Here are some of the results from these calculators:
- According to the DQYDJ individual income percentile calculator for the United States in 2023, the median individual income was $50,000, and a good income started around $58,100.
- The Personal Finance Data income percentile comparison calculator by age shows that an income of $52,000 for ages 18 to 100 ranks at the 38.07th percentile.
- The DQYDJ household income percentile calculator for the United States in 2023 shows that the median household income was $74,202, and the threshold to be in the top 5% of household incomes was $295,020.
- The Omnicalculator US income percentile calculator shows that an individual income of $50,000 a year based on the 2021 United States Census Bureaus Annual ASEC survey is at the 55th percentile.
- The Pew Research Center income calculator defines middle-income Americans as adults whose annual household income is two-thirds to double the national median, after incomes have been adjusted for household size. In 2018, the national middle-income range was about $48,500 to $145,500 annually for a household of three.
- The Waggoner Financial income percentile calculator can be used to determine your individual or household income percentile.
Based on the information from these calculators, you can determine your income percentile in the United States.