what insect is this

what insect is this

1 year ago 35

To identify an insect, there are several resources available online. Here are some options:

  1. BugFinder - Insect Identification: This is a free online utility designed to actively search for specific insects, bugs, and spiders for the purposes of identification. You can use the BUGFINDER utility to quickly search the InsectIdentification.org database by making a few basic selections about your insect-in-question.

  2. Picture Insect: Bug Identifier: This is an easy-to-use insect identifier tool that utilizes AI technology. Simply take a photo of an insect or upload one from your phone gallery, and the app will tell you all about it in a second. It can identify 4,000+ species of insect species with incredible accuracy.

  3. Reddits Whats This Bug: This is a subreddit where you can post a photo of the insect you want to identify and ask for help. You should provide as much information as possible, such as geographic location, size, and any other relevant details. You can also cite/link a source whenever possible.

  4. University of Minnesota Extensions Garden: This website provides information on insects that infest trees and shrubs. You can contact them to ask a gardening question.

  5. PestWorld.org: This website provides a comprehensive list of bugs, insects, rodents, and other pests. You can browse the list to identify the insect you are looking for. They also provide six steps to effectively identify whats in or around your home, using their pest and insect identification guides.

Using any of these resources can help you identify the insect you are looking for.

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