what internal temperature to cook turkey

what internal temperature to cook turkey

1 year ago 72

The internal temperature to cook a turkey to ensure it is safe to eat is 165°F (74°C) in the breast and 175°F (79°C) in the thigh. It is important to check the temperature in multiple locations to ensure the turkey is cooked evenly. The turkey should be cooked at 325°F (163°C) for most of the cook time, and in the final 45 minutes, the foil tent should be removed, the oven temperature should be increased to 425°F (218°C), and the bird should be basted with butter to achieve crispy, golden skin. It is recommended to start checking the internal temperature about 30 minutes earlier than the per-pound cooking calculations indicate, and to carefully insert the thermometer down into the meaty part of the thigh, avoiding the bone, and hold it still until the numbers stop increasing. According to the USDA, a turkey must reach 165°F (74°C) to be safe, but it can be taken out of the oven as low as 160°F (71°C) because the temperature will continue to rise as it rests. It is important to let the turkey rest before carving to allow for carryover cooking and redistribution of expelled juices.

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