20% of 5000 is 1000. To calculate 20% of 5000, we can use the formula:
20 percent * 5000 = (20/100)5000 = (205000)/100 = 100000/100 = 1000
Alternatively, we can also use the following steps:
- In the given case, the output value is 5000.
- Let us consider the unknown value as x.
- Consider the output value of 5000 = 100%.
- In the same way, x = 20%.
- On dividing the pair of simple equations, we get the equation as (5000%)/(x%) = 100/20.
- Reciprocal of both the sides results in the following equation x%/5000% = 20/100.
- Simplifying the above equation further, we get x = 1000. Therefore, 20% of 5000 is 1000.