what is 30g in ml

what is 30g in ml

1 year ago 41

30 grams is equal to 30 milliliters (ml) for pure water. However, for other substances, the conversion from grams to milliliters depends on the substances density. Here are some conversions for commonly used food items:

  • 30 grams flour equals approximately 58 ml.
  • 30 grams sugar equals approximately 36 ml.
  • 30 grams butter equals approximately 32 ml.
  • 30 grams milk equals approximately 29 ml.
  • 30 grams water equals 30 ml.
  • 30 grams cocoa powder equals approximately 72 ml.
  • 30 grams vegetable oil equals approximately 33 ml.
  • 30 grams powdered sugar equals approximately 60 ml.
  • 30 grams honey equals approximately 21 ml.

Its important to note that converting grams to milliliters can vary slightly depending on factors such as room temperature, quality of the ingredient, and substance density.

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