what is 7cs of communication

what is 7cs of communication

1 year ago 59

The 7 Cs of Communication is a checklist for ensuring that your communication is effective and clear. The seven principles are:

  1. Clear : Be clear about the purpose of your message and ensure that the recipient understands it. Present one idea at a time and avoid unnecessary words or repetition
  1. Concise : Keep your communication short and simple, using fewer words and sentences than necessary. This makes your message more memorable and easier to understand
  1. Concrete : Provide specific examples and details to support your message, making it more tangible and believable
  1. Correct : Ensure that your communication is accurate and free of errors, including grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes
  1. Coherent : Organize your thoughts and ideas in a logical and consistent manner, making it easier for the recipient to follow your message
  1. Complete : Provide all necessary information for the recipient to understand and act upon your message, ensuring they can easily come to the desired conclusion
  1. Courteous : Be polite, respectful, and professional in your communication, which can make your message more effective and well-received

Applying the 7 Cs of Communication can help improve your relationships, further your career, and build your social confidence

. These principles can be adapted for use in various forms of communication, such as emails, presentations, job interviews, and meetings

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