what is a 1032 police code

what is a 1032 police code

1 year ago 37

According to the search results, a 10-32 police code means "Person with gun". Police codes are used to verbally communicate efficiently between police and other agencies. The word "ten" indicates the next number, or numbers, is code. Four codes are widely used throughout the United States and listed below:

  • 10-0: Use Caution
  • 10-4: Acknowledgment (OK)
  • 10-7: Out of service
  • 10-42: Ending tour of duty

Police codes were first presented as APCO Ten Signals in 1937 to make sure the communication between policemen is most efficient. The most used police code is when an officer retires a call to dispatch is made. The officer gives a 10-7 code (Out of service) and then a 10-42 code (ending tour of duty) .

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