what is a baby hernia

what is a baby hernia

1 year ago 38

A baby hernia is a condition where a part of the intestine pushes through a weak spot in the belly muscles. There are two types of hernias that can occur in babies: inguinal hernias and umbilical hernias.

  • Inguinal hernias happen in the groin area and are more common in boys. During pregnancy, all babies have an area called the inguinal canal that goes from the abdomen to the genitals. Normally, a baby’s inguinal canal closes shortly before or after birth. But in some cases, the canal doesn’t fully close, and a loop of intestine can move into the inguinal canal through the weak spot in the belly wall, causing an inguinal hernia.

  • Umbilical hernias happen around the belly button and are more common in newborns and infants younger than 6 months old. During pregnancy, there is a small opening in the abdominal muscles that allows the umbilical cord to pass through, connecting mother to baby. As the baby grows after birth, this opening in the abdominal muscles closes. Sometimes, however, these muscles do not meet and grow together completely, and a small opening remains. This opening is called an umbilical hernia.

Most hernias in babies and children are inguinal hernias, occurring in about 1% to 5% of infants and children. Umbilical hernias are common, occurring in 10% to 20% of all children. Hernias can occur at any age but are most common in newborns.

Hernias in babies and children usually develop when openings in the abdominal wall do not close, allowing the intestines or other organs to push through the openings[[6]](https://www.saintlukeskc.o...

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