A baby owl is called an owlet. Owlets are recently hatched and have yet to fully develop their feathers, also known as plumage. They are dependent on their parents for feeding, care, and security, and are distinctly different from mature, adult birds. Owlets have a great deal of soft, fluffy down and generally lack clear markings, but their facial discs are one of the first plumage features to develop. Eye and bill color can also be helpful in identifying baby owls, though some young birds have a slightly different coloration than mature birds. Baby owls are typically unable to fly but may have left the nest to strengthen their wings and legs by exploring nearby branches or rocks, climbing or jumping about in a process called "branching." They may perch in unusual areas or even rest directly on the ground with little regard for being in full view of predators. Different owl species have different juvenile periods and mature out of their owlet phase at different rates. Smaller baby owls often mature more quickly and may be indistinguishable from adult birds within just a few weeks after hatching. Larger owl species, however, may take several months to grow out of the owlet stage of development and gain complete independence. Overall health, food availability, climate, and stress can all affect how quickly a baby owl matures.