what is a backwards k in baseball

what is a backwards k in baseball

1 year ago 34

In baseball, a backwards K is used to denote a strikeout where the batter is called out looking, meaning they did not swing at the third strike-called pitch. The letter K is used to represent a strikeout in the scorebook, and a regular-facing K represents a swinging strikeout during a baseball game against the visiting team. The use of K to represent a strikeout dates back to the 19th century with Henry Chadwick, a sportswriter and baseball statistician who used K as the abbreviation for strikeout because it is the most prominent letter when pronouncing the word strike. The backward K is used in the scorebook to keep track of players striking out without swinging. Fans, television media, and some scorekeepers use the backwards K to help keep track of strikeouts where a batter is caught-looking.

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