what is a barracks bunny in the military

what is a barracks bunny in the military

1 year ago 59

A barracks bunny is a term used in the military to refer to a female soldier who sleeps promiscuously with male soldiers. The term is considered derogatory and sexist. The following are some additional details about barracks bunnies:

  • They are usually female soldiers who live in the barracks.
  • They have their own room at the end of the hall.
  • They are similar to barracks rats, but they are generally females.
  • They love to go room to room riding the dicks of all the men in their platoon until they are more beat than a girl in an elevator with Ray Rice.

It is important to note that the term barracks bunny is considered offensive and should not be used to refer to anyone. It is also worth mentioning that the U.S. military has been accused of using "barracks bunny" sexualized influencers and psychological operations to lure young men into signing up for the military.

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