what is a bindi australia

what is a bindi australia

1 year ago 37

A bindi in Australia can refer to two different things:

  1. Bindi weed: This is a low-growing annual winter weed that can start to germinate as early as autumn. It is also known as Soliva sessilis and is a weedy plant with tiny sharp-needled seeds. It appears with small feathery leaves reminiscent of parsley, with an exposed upward-pointing rosette of seeds in a pod nestled at the branch junctions. Eventually, small flowers appear if the plant is allowed to develop. Those familiar with the plant may also know it as "bindi patches", which cant be walked on barefoot. Dogs and cats are no less affected and tend to avoid areas where they have encountered it. Bindi weed can be manually removed by pulling it out at the root, usually when its grown big, and started to flower, and before seeding—especially after rain when the ground is softer. A hand tool that pinches the tap root and enables some leverage while getting in under the central core is the best method. Bindi can also be treated with herbicide. Late winter and early spring are the best times to destroy the weed before its seeds germinate. Effective herbicides are typically combinations of MCPA and Dicamba, which target broad-leaved plants but not grasses. These chemicals have similar effects as natural plant auxins, and their increased concentrations cause unnatural plant growth which kills the plant. Mowing grass to a higher level will allow more competitive plants to thrive in the area. Bindi weed also favors compacted ground, so aerating the soil should also reduce the presence of the plant.

  2. Bindi dot: This is a dot traditionally worn on the forehead of Hindu women. It is also known as a "holy dot" and is a makeup or jewelry worn in imitation of such a dot. The term "bindi" is borrowed from Hindi बिंदी (bindī) .

In summary, a bindi in Australia can refer to a weed or a dot worn on the forehead of Hindu women.

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