Blonde espresso is a type of espresso made from lightly roasted beans. It is a trendy new marketing name for a coffee bean roast profile that is at the lighter end of the roasting scale. Blonde espresso is made up of select Latin American and East African beans that are carefully roasted to coax out sweet, vibrant notes of candied apple and bittersweet chocolate. According to Starbucks, blonde espresso is a lighter roast made from Latin American and East African coffee beans that delivers a sweet flavor and “smooth, creamy mouthfeel” .
Blonde espresso is still considered strong because it is a concentrated amount of coffee, therefore it will inherently be stronger than most drip coffee. Blonde espresso is stronger than normal espresso as it contains slightly more caffeine (85 mg vs. 64mg) . Caffeine numbers are a direct result of the roasting process. Blonde espresso beans are roasted slightly lighter giving them more caffeine.
Blonde espresso is mellower than regular espresso, with a sweeter, more nuanced flavor and higher caffeine content. It is a great option for those who prefer subtler flavors and a gentle introduction to espresso.