A blowout in tattooing is a term used to describe when ink is placed too deep in the skin, causing it to spread out in the fat layer beneath the skin surface or due to scarring. This can happen when a tattoo artist presses too hard when applying ink to the skin, deposits ink at the wrong angle, or overworks the skin. Blowouts cause the lines in a tattoo to blur, and the ink used to create the lines usually moves well outside the edges of the tattoo, giving it a smudged appearance. They can look like fuzzy spots in line art or unintentional. Tattoo blowouts are more common for new tattoo artists, but they can happen to any artist. While tattoo blowouts cant necessarily be prevented, there are steps you can take to minimize your risks, such as choosing an experienced tattoo artist. If a blowout does happen, there are several ways to fix it, including correcting it with more tattooing, blowout cover-ups, or laser therapy.