According to the search results from Urban Dictionary, the term "bop" has multiple meanings. Here are some of the definitions:
- A name to call a female who gives head to anyone.
- A rallying cry for any type of sexual interaction: intercourse, oral, anal.
- An abbreviation for "Bitch Out of Place" or "Bitch Outta Place," and is most commonly used by upperclassmen shaming underclassmen girls for being "out of line".
- A term used to describe a ratchet girl or girls that look up to you.
- Slang for "its a really great song." The kind that makes you want to dance or makes you really happy. Can be used sarcastically.
- Referring to a flamboyant male, typically one displaying a large amount of sass and/or bouncing around the nightclub in a promiscuous manner.
It is important to note that these definitions are not universally accepted and may not be appropriate for all audiences.