A Brazilian Blow Dry is a hair treatment that semi-permanently removes frizz and unruliness from the hair for a number of months. It is not to be confused with permanent straightening, as it differs from Japanese straightening systems and relaxing methods that remove all curls and movement from the hair. The Brazilian Blow Dry is designed to tame frizz and reduce extreme puff in the hair to make it easier to style and far more manageable. It does smooth the hair, but it does not leave it poker straight, which means you still have the freedom to add curls and waves if you wish to.
The treatment uses keratin to smooth and straighten the hair. A silicone-based serum is applied to the hair and then sealed in with heat, creating a protective layer around each strand of hair, which helps to keep it smooth and straight. The main benefit of a Brazilian Blow Dry is that it leaves the hair looking and feeling incredibly smooth and silky. It can also help to reduce frizz, making the hair more manageable.
It is important to note that some Brazilian Blow Dry treatments use formaldehyde or a formaldehyde derivative in the liquid solution. These chemicals can cause adverse reactions, such as eye disorders, nervous system disorders, and respiratory tract issues. Therefore, it is important to have the treatment done by an experienced stylist who can do the treatment safely.