Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure that allows doctors to look inside the lungs and air passages using a thin tube called a bronchoscope. The procedure is usually performed by a pulmonologist, a doctor who specializes in lung disorders. During bronchoscopy, the bronchoscope is passed through the nose or mouth, down the throat, and into the lungs. The bronchoscope has a light and a small camera at its tip that displays pictures on a monitor to help guide the doctor in performing the procedure.
Bronchoscopy is used to diagnose and treat various lung problems, including:
- Persistent cough
- Infection
- Unusual findings on a chest X-ray or other test
- Lung growths
- Lymph node inspection
- Lung inflammation from allergic-type reactions
- Lung cancer or other lung diseases
- Airway blockage
- Narrowed areas in airways
- Inflammation and infections such as tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia, and fungal or parasitic lung infections
- Interstitial pulmonary disease
- Causes of persistent cough
- Causes of coughing up blood
- Spots seen on chest X-rays
- Vocal cord paralysis
- Biopsy of tissue
- Severe narrowing or blockage of the trachea (tracheal stenosis)
- High blood pressure in the lungs’ blood vessels (pulmonary hypertension)
- Severe coughing or gagging
- Low oxygen levels
During bronchoscopy, the doctor may also use the bronchoscope to obtain samples of mucus or tissue, remove foreign bodies or other blockages from the airways or lungs, or provide treatment for lung problems. The procedure can be done using a flexible or rigid bronchoscope, depending on the situation. A flexible bronchoscope is used more often because it can be moved down into the smaller airways (bronchioles) .
In summary, bronchoscopy is a medical procedure that allows doctors to look inside the lungs and air passages using a thin tube called a bronchoscope. It is used to diagnose and treat various lung problems, including persistent cough, infection, lung cancer, and airway blockage. During the procedure, the doctor may also use the bronchoscope to obtain samples of mucus or tissue, remove foreign bodies or other blockages from the airways or lungs, or provide treatment for lung problems.