what is a bump in volleyball

what is a bump in volleyball

1 year ago 43

In volleyball, a bump is a method of passing or setting the ball up to a teammate by joining the forearms together, extending your arms in front of you, and bumping the ball off of them in an underhand manner. The bump is also known as a pass and is the most basic and essential skill in volleyball. It is used when the ball is below the head and is typically the first touch of the three contacts. The bump is typically used as the first touch to receive a serve or to receive a hard-driven hit. The form and positioning of your body is a very important factor when it comes to passing or bumping the ball. Here are the basic steps to perform a bump:

  1. Move to the ball platform: Once you are in the right spot, you need to make your "platform". This is formed by putting your wrists and forearms together.

  2. Lock your arms together: With your arms locked together and hands out, gather your elbows inward as much as you can without changing your hand position. This will form the platform using your wrists and forearms.

  3. Maintain the platform: Maintain this platform at all times and do not contact the ball on your wrists but rather on this flat surface. This will help avoid a lot of injuries and bruises that many beginners tend to form.

  4. Keep your eye on the ball: Watch the ball with your eyes, not your whole body, try to keep your chin down, because it gives you more control of the ball. Some coaches will even have you put the collar of your shirt in your mouth to keep your chin down.

It is important to note that you should not hit the ball with your hands, as it is not an effective way to bump and can cause injury.

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