what is a cat c prison

what is a cat c prison

1 year ago 46

A Category C prison is a type of prison in the UK that holds prisoners who cannot be trusted in open conditions but are considered unlikely to make a determined escape attempt. These prisons are for lower-risk prisoners who are unlikely to escape but cannot yet be trusted in open prisons. They are training and resettlement prisons that provide prisoners with the opportunity to develop their own skills so they can find work and resettle back into the community on release. Category C prisoners are diverse, with some only serving short sentences for white-collar crimes, and others serving longer sentences for higher-threat crimes, such as violence or sex offending. To be placed in a Category C prison, the prisoner must fulfill at least one of several criteria, such as having a previous sentence of 12 months or more for crimes such as violence, arson, drug dealing, importation, threat of violence, or sex-related offenses. Prison staff assess prisoners when they’re first sentenced and also throughout their time in prison to identify whether or not they’re still in the right prison category.

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